The Event centre can be reached by car (own, rental) from Rīga International Airport (http://www.riga-airport.com/en/main/flights/flight_schedules)(connected to more than 80 direct flight destinations) and ferry terminal (http://rigasosta.lv/en/pasazieruosta/)
as well as from the neighboring countries. The driving distance from Riga International Airport to the Event centre is ~295km and it takes ~4-5 h of time to get there by car.
Event centre will be located in Mamonova ~ 40 km from the regional capital - Rēzekne town and it takes ~35 min to get there by car or bus.
There are several options for getting to Rēzekne by public transport. Bus connection Rīga - Rēzekne (http://www.1188.lv/transport/bus/schedule?from=R%C4%ABgas+SAO&from-id=5495843&fc=1&to=R%C4%93zeknes+AO&to-id=5495842&tc=1 ) is operated several times per day. Depending on route selected, it takes 4 - 5 h from Rīga to Rēzekne. Twice per day Rēzekne is accessible from Rīga Central train terminal (http://www.1188.lv/transport/train/schedule?from=R%C4%ABga&from-id=2051475&fc=1&to=R%C4%93zekne2&to-id=2051460&tc=1).
Also by train and it takes ~4h. Rēzekne(train station name is Rēzekne-2) is a major stop also in a number of international bus and train connections: Rīga - Moscow and Rīga - St. Petersburg:
https://www.russianrail.com/search.html?from=St.+Petersburg&to=Rezekne) https://travel.ldz.lv/en/marsrutu-karte
In addition to Rīga International Airport flight connections there are other international airports in region to consider in ~ 300 km and 3,5 h driving distance:
Kaunas (Lithuania) (https://www.kaunas-airport.lt/index.php?lang=en&page=destination_map )
Vilnius (Lithuania) (http://www.vilnius-airport.lt/en/planning-a-trip/flight-map/)
Tartu (Estonia) (http://www.tartu-airport.ee/eng/flightplan/arrival/?articleID=4646)
Tallinn (Estonia)(http://www.tallinn-airport.ee/en/flight-info/destinations/) in ~ 460 km and 5,5 h driving distance
Palanga (Lithuania) (http://www.palanga-airport.lt/en/flights-network) in ~500 km and 6 h drivig distance.
There will be car, bus, bicycle and motorcycle and caravan parking areas available in the Event centre. Caravan parking will not be equipped with electrical and sewerage facilities.
Accomodation and bus transfers
Local tourism information bureau offers wide range of over 50 different level holiday cottages, country houses, hotels, hostels and simple accommodation options within closest area 40 km around Event centre. There are 4 hotels in regional capital Rēzekne with capacity over 200 visitors. Most of them everyone can find on booking.com
Local tent places will be available directly in the Event centre.
Some links to the information about accommodation opportunities will be available on the WRC website.
For the convenience of competitors and accompanying persons there will be special scheduled shuttle buses provided from Rīga and Rēzekne to the Event centre and back on demand. Shuttle bus timetables and pre-booking options will be presented on the WRC website and bulletins.
Detailed info on transfer schedules are here. It takes 4-5 hours to travel by bus from Riga. Most probably there will be pickup from Riga airport and Riga Central Railway/bus station area.