PDF version  - WRC2017 Bulletin 3

This document supplements and replaces Bulletin No.2. All changes and additions compared to previous bulletins are marked blue in text.
Format and rules
World Rogaining Championships 2017 (WRC2017) are held in 24 hour rogaine format and according to the rules of rogaining of the International Rogaining Federation (IRF):
! Please note: no dogs allowed in Event center according to Rule B5(h)!
There are few following deviations from IRF Rules, coordinated with IRF, applied for the 15th WRC:
1)    The event organizers will require some teams (
teams were selected by organizing team of WRC2017) to carry GPS tracking devices on the course. One member of selected team must carry GPS tracking device at all times whilst they are on the course as an item of mandatory equipment, which cannot be dropped even temporarily;
2)    The GPS tracking device provided by the organizers must be returned to the organizers immediately at finish;
3)    The event organizers will broadcast live tracking data and estimated progressive scores of teams based on the data obtained from a number of checkpoints in the terrain from two hours following the start of the competition;
4)    No member of any team is permitted to access any internet capable device at any time during the competition (both on course and at the event center.). Recorded and broadcasted data cannot be used in order to improve anyone’s performance in the competition.
All competitors are reminded of Rule B12 which states “A team shall not accept assistance from, nor collaborate with, other people during course planning or on the course nor deliberately follow another team.”
Further exceptions from the IRF Rules of Rogaining may be specified in Pre-start information.

Event center
Event center will be located in Mamonova, Andzeļi county, Dagda district, Latvia, in open field conditions and environment close to the center of the competition map area. Exact location of event center: 56°14'13.2"N 27°30'28.6"E; 56.236990, 27.507951.
View on Map.
!Please note: WRC2017 will be held in protected nature area – Rāzna National park. This territory was established in 2007 in order to protect unique diversity of nature and traditional landscapes, as well as a lot of protected species. In addition to IRF Rules, each participant is asked to behave and act during it’s stay in Rāzna national park very carefully and gently in respect to nature and territory visited, thus protecting nature treasures and strengthening image of rogainers as respectful and responsible society group.There will be garbage collection bins at the event center as well as trash disposal plastic bags at water stations in the terrain. Competitors shall leave their trash (e.g. gel tubes, snack covers etc.) either in event center or one of these water station trash bags.
Teams of 2 – 3 members. See Entry Criteria
Competition classes
Men's Open (MO) — men, no age restriction
Women's Open (WO) — women, no age restriction
Mixed Open (XO) — at least one man and one woman, no age restriction
Men's Youth (MY) — men, all must be under 23 years of age
Women's Youth (WY) — women, all must be under 23 years of age
Mixed Youth (XY) — at least one man and one woman, all must be under 23 years of age
Men's Veteran (MV) — men, all must be 40 years of age or over
Women's Veteran (WV) — women, all must be 40 years of age or over
Mixed Veteran (XV) — at least one man and one woman, all must be 40 years of age or over
Men's Super Veteran (MSV) — men, all must be 55 years of age or over
Women's Super Veteran (WSV) — women, all must be 55 years of age or over
Mixed Super Veteran (XSV) — at least one man and one woman, all must be 55 years of age or over
Men's Ultra Veteran (MUV) — men, all must be 65 years of age or over
Women's Ultra Veteran (WUV) — women, all must be 65 years of age or over
Mixed Ultra Veteran (XUV) — at least one man and one woman, all must be 65 years of age or over
For the Youth, Veteran, Super Veteran and Ultra Veteran categories the age is determined on the first day of competition (i.e. 18 August 2017).
Any team that has a member under 14 years of age shall also have a member 18 years of age or over. All participants under 18 years need to have a written permission (from their legal guardian) for taking part in the competition.
Teams are deemed to compete in every category for which they are eligible.
Map (detailed here)
Map scale 1:25 000 with 10 meters contours and 5 meters form-lines where necessary, map sheet size 80x61 cm. There will be control descriptions (text in English) available on competition map as well as separate sheet of control descriptions in size 11x39 cm available.
Model map scale 1:25 000, with 10 meters contours and 5 meters form-lines where necessary, map sheet size 11x20 cm. The same approach of presenting of control descriptions will be used in model map.
Both competition and model maps will be printed on waterproof and tear resistant synthetic paper Tyvek. It is recommended to use permanent marker for drawing and planning of course on the map.
One separate map with the same size and scale as competition map, but printed on regular paper, will be provided for each team for planning purposes. It is not requested to submit this map to organizers.
! Please note: There will be special tag on planning map indicating that it is not water resistant, in order to prevent from taking it on the course!
The total number of checkpoints and the maximum value of points will be announced in the pre-start information. Course and terrain will provide a lot of different route choices and planning scenarios. Location of hash-house near the center of competition map area provides good options to visit it for rest and refueling. Organizers are encouraging teams and each individual to consider their capabilities very seriously, as given hilly terrain in combination with potential weather conditions may provide challenging conditions during the competition.
On the competition terrain, there will be self-service water stations, where drinking water will be available in plastic containers. The water stations are indicated on the event map.

Punching system and checkpoints
SPORTident (SI) Air+ contactless punching system will be used. It is characterized by punching in contactless mode up to a distance of 3 meters from SI station. There will be SI Air+ contactless demo set in event center available upon registration in order get acquainted with it for those, who haven’t used it before.
Each competitor must use SI card and non-removable wristband issued by organizers. SI card issued to competitors will be already cleared before competition by organizers. Each competitor shall carry the SI card provided by organizers during the whole competition from start to finish. It must be collected from organizers upon registration in event center, together with other team and competition materials. SI card must be attached by a non-removable wristband before entering the start area by participants themselves. Attached SI cards will be checked when entering start area.
The SI card punched correctly at each checkpoint will give light and sound feedback, indicating that the visit was recorded. Normally - team members are not required to insert SI card in SI station, but still each participant is responsible for correct punching to SI station and receiving light/sound signal. Only if contactless punching mode is not working, SI card must be inserted into SI station.

In case of failure or missing of the SI station or malfunctioning of SI card (there is no light/sound signal received), team shall use alternative method of registering at checkpoint, which will be clarified in pre-start information.

In the event of the SI station is being broken or missing, or SI card malfunctioned, teams shall be awarded the checkpoint score if they can show respective alternative record of missing or malfunctioned checkpoints at finish.

A team’s score is determined on the basis of the reading of SI cards of all team members. Alternative record are taken into account only when it is established, that there has been a failure of the SI station or SI card, or SI station was missing at a given checkpoint.
! Please note: in order to gain points for a checkpoint, all team members shall punch in checkpoint within 60 seconds interval. In order to avoid unwanted early punching and breaking of this rule due to late punching of other team members, as well as in order to observe IRF Rules B10 and B19, please: arrive to direct proximity of checkpoint only together with teammates and leave it right after punching. SPORTIdent Air+ punching system records first arrived punch and being more than 60 seconds earlier (or staying longer) than teammates in checkpoint direct proximity, may cause unexpected and unwanted breaking of pre-defined punching interval and will not be recoded as correctly gained checkpoint.
There will be small reflectors attached to each checkpoint, visible in ray of light during darkness from around 20 m.

GPS tracking
There will be GPS tracking devices provided as part of mandatory equipment for list of teams. Others may order GPS tracking device as a service for additional fee. All GPS tracking devices will be received from organizers when entering the start area through dedicated entrance.
GPS tracking data will be available on web site announced in pre-start information.

Registration for WRC2017
Registration to the event was opened on-line on the WRC 2017 website from the 1st December 2016. Registration procedure step by step is described here: http://wrc2017.rogaining.lv/en/registration-procedure#contents Organizers keep the rights to delete any incorrect entries (missing full data of any member, obviously false data, using of inpolite wording, etc.) immediately.
Entry Criteria for 2017 World Rogaining Championships
Entry limit is 1000 participants.
Team size is restricted to 2 or 3 members.
Applications for entry will be taken via online entry form:
            Phase 1 of the registration: 1st – 14th December 2016
            Phase 2 of the registration: 15th December 2016 – 31st January 2017
            Phase 3 of the registration: 1st February – 31st July 2017
! Please note: Registration of Phase 3 might be stopped earlier - as soon as maximum limit of entrants is reached. (for full text see http://wrc2017.rogaining.lv/en/entry_criteria.pdf):
The on-line updated list of Automatic Pre-Qualified Entrants and Preferred Pre-Qualified Entrants is available at the website:
Entry fee (per competitor) and payment procedure
Early bird: 65 euros - if registered before 1st January 2017
Regular: 80 euros - if registered after 31st December 2016 and before 1st June 2017
Late: 100 euros - if registered after 31st May 2017
The fee covers the costs of organizing and setting up the event, maps, SI cards, 4-day camping and parking services, catering during the race and after the finish, basic medical aid, trophies, prizes and medals as well as the IRF WRC levy.
Entry fee also covers the costs to make a single change in team composition after the team has been confirmed. All consecutive changes will be possible for extra fee of 7 euros.
Team will have 3 weeks to pay full entry fee in one or more payments after the receiving of invitation to confirm entry by payment. As soon as full entry fee will be received, team will be confirmed as participants. Invitation of the team will be canceled if no or partial payment received within given period of time and team will be returned to waiting list until reconsideration during Phase 3 and Regular fee will be applied.
! Please note: Payments of the Phase 3 must be done at the latest by 10th August 2017.
Registration at event center
After arrival to event center each participant and team shall register to organizers in order to pick up team and other competition or ordered service materials.
Organizers will provide sealing bags upon registration in the event center for sealing prohibited devices stated IRF Rule B7 (i.e.  GPS devices, mobile phones, GPS capable watches, computer devices of any type etc.) to be taken on the course. Participants shall arrive to start area with already sealed such devices and present them to organizers upon their request, when entering the start area. Records will be taken by organizers. Additional information regarding sealing process will be provided in pre-start information.
! Please note: During registration each competitor shall provide to organizers valid personal ID with birthdate and photo. Competitors not capable to provide such document will not be allowed to start in other age groups as Open ones and teams involving such competitors will be automatically moved to Open competition classes as without clear evidence of their age.
Participants under 18 years shall provide a written permission (from their legal guardian) for taking part in the competition.
All competitors shall sign an indemnity form that they participate in the competition at their own risk. The indemnity form shall be signed by the time of receiving of competition materials from organizers.
Medical aid
First medical aid will be available at the event center and provided by a qualified medical personnel provided by State Emergency Medical Service. Anyway – in case of emergency call 112!
In more complicated cases, the injured competitor may be transported to a hospital. All foreign competitors should have adequate travel health insurance, covering also participation in a competition. In the absence of health insurance, hospitals may charge the full cost of treatment.
After receiving the maps competitors may use the event area territory for planning their route on course. There will not be special closed area other as competition event center or additional rules for planning process. Competitors shall not to leave event center area starting from the moment of distribution of the maps, till the start signal. Organizers will check observation of IRF Rules during the planning process by occasional inspections. Each competitor is asked to use fair play attitude during planning process of their WRC2017 route!

Mandatory equipment

In addition to equipment specified in IRF Rules, each WRC2017 competitor shall carry all the time from start to finish of the competition:
1. SI cards with non-removable wristbands (for every competitor),
2. GPS trackers (for selected teams), provided by organizers,
3. competition number bib (for every competitor), in the way that number bibs are visible during the competition,
4. valid travel document: i.e. ID card or passport for EU citizens and passport (and visa, if necessary for traveling to Latvia) for other foreign citizens or valid personal ID document (for citizens of Latvia).
! Please note: Part of competition area lies in borderland of Republic of Latvia, therefore there might be requests by State Border Guard officials to present travel and personal ID documents during the course.

Besides above mentioned items there will be no other mandatory equipment than specified in the Rules:
! Please note: Rule B15 states: Each competitor shall carry a whistle at all times whilst on the course.

Withdrawals and Team Changes
In case of withdrawal entry fees will be reimbursed as follows:
a single person cannot withdraw from a 2 person team - in this case the team will be withdrawn and both entrants refunded accordingly (see below), or the withdrawing entrant's place in the team must be transferred to another eligible entrant.
if a team (or a single person from a team of 3) withdraws, refunding will be as follows:
50% before 1st April 2017
25% 1st April - 31st May 2017
no refund after 31st May 2017
Teams may change team composition from online registration at any time up until 31st July 2017. Each such change is for free while team is on wait list. Each such change, except the first one, will be possible only after paying a fee of 7 euros once entry has been confirmed. Changes will not be possible while team entry is in process. (See Entry Criteria for team statuses).
Last minute changes of team composition will be possible at registration in competition center for fee of 7 euros. To withdraw and be refunded, team must email the request to organizers.
Accompanying persons and spectators

Accompanying persons and spectators (over 6 years of age) staying at the Event center shall pay spectator fee of 25 euros: 4-day camping and parking, catering at the hash house during the race and after the finish, event map (delivered after the finish).
International travelers may be required to hold a Latvian visa prior to travel to Latvia, depending on your country of residence. For more information, please see the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia. It you require further assistance, please send us an email.
Organizer - Latvian Orienteering Federation - holds General Third party liability insurance (TPL) of the organizer of public event.
Nevertheless competitors participate in the event at their own risk. We recommend that competitors have personal health and/or travel insurance.
All merchandise acquired at WRC online shop will be available for pickup at the event center upon registration. We do not ship any merchandise to entrants. If you are unable to pick up your event merchandise, please arrange for someone else to pick it up for you.
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
14:00 Campsite and parking area at the hash house opens, model maps available and model course opens
18:00 Registration 1st day opens
21:00 Registration 1st day closes
Thursday, 17 August 2017
10:00 Registration 2nd day opens
14:00 IRF meeting in event center
19:00 Opening ceremony
23:00 Registration 2nd day closes
Friday, 18 August 2017
7:30 Registration 3rd day opens
9:00 Map handout
12:00 Start
15:00 Catering available at the hash house
20:56 Sunset
21:40 The end of civil twilight
Saturday, 19 August 2017
5:15 The beginning of civil twilight
5:59 Sunrise
12:00 Finish
14:00 Prize-giving ceremony
15:00 Catering at the hash house closes
Sunday, 20 August 2017
12:00 Campsite and parking area at the hash house closes
All competitors shall enter the start area by latest at 11:40 am. Whole team shall arrive and enter start area together. Attached SI cards will be checked by organizers at start area gates. Each competitor must be sure his attached SI card is controlled when entering the start area. The start is given 12:00 on Friday, August 18 with well audible sound.

The control time is 12:00 on Saturday, August 19. After finishing the course (by punching the SI station ‘Finish’) only organizers will be allowed to remove the wristband and download the reading of the SI card. The point penalty for finishing after the nominated finish time will be defined in pre-start information. Teams finishing more than 30 minutes late are not eligible for a placing.
Participants who carried prohibited devices during their course will be requested by organizers to present unopened sealed bag right after their finish.
After the finish, each competitor gets a printout of SI cards data. Only the last team member of each team will receive team result-score in his/her printout. The individual SI printouts shall be considered as a preliminary, and not a final result. Preliminary team results will be shown at the event center. Final results will be published on the WRC2017 website and posted/displayed at the event center.
Within 45 minutes of the nominated finish time, a team may submit a protest about any team thought to have breached the rules, about the preliminary results of the team or about any actions of the organizers, that they consider made the competition unfair. Protests shall be submitted to organizers in writing in English.

Any protests are considered and determined by a three person jury. Members of the WRC2017 jury are David Baldwin, Miia Hovi un Miroslav Seidl.
Any IRF member or observer present at the hash-house can be called in as an alternate jury member in case of a protest involving one of the nominated jury members.

The team with the highest score in each class is granted the title of the World Rogaining Champions. Three best teams in each class will be awarded with prizes and medals.
Terrain, Wildlife and Weather (link)
! Please note: potentially danger invasive plant Sosnowsky's hogweed is widespread in some parts of competition area. Take precaution during the competition and avoid touching parts of plant with open skin! In order to get acquainted with local plants and especially Sosnowsky’s hogweed, there will be demo stand (mini exhibition) of common and potentially danger plants provided in event center before the competition.

In addition to previously mentioned animals – brown bear (Ursus arctos) has been observed in March, 2017, in about 10 km from competition area center.

Tourist attractions (link)
Travel information (link)

! Please note: Due  to fact that part of competition area is within borderland of Republic of Latvia - each competitor shall carry during the competition:
1) valid travel document: i.e. ID card or passport for EU citizens and passport (and visa, if necessary for traveling to Latvia) for other foreign citizens, 2) valid personal ID (for citizens of Latvia).

! Please note: Due to outbreak of African swine fever registered in competition region, there might be restrictions and additional controls on arrival or quarantine zones stated.
African swine fever virus, which causes very high mortality rates among pigs, is common in Latvia. There is no risk for human beings, but dead wild boars must be reported to the organizers. It is also important to wash shoes and clothes after the competitions and trainings, and especially before returning home. Such way it can be ensured that the virus will not be distributed.

Pre-ordered Transfer schedules are available here (link)
Parking and campsite, services
There will be a car park and campsite (tent places) for competitors and supporters at the parking area signed by organizers close to event center in open field conditions. There will be basic services available since the moment when campsite opens: drinking water in plastic containers, portable toilets, waste containers, water for washing and equipment washing purposes. Also hot drinking water will be available in hash-house.
Showers will be available starting from evening of 16th of August till evening of 19th of August. Organizers and our infrastructure partners will do their best to provide warm water and to minimize queuing in peak hours, but it is not possible to guarantee permanently high service level. Competitors are asked to use shower in way and in respect to very high number of other rogainers. Usage of any competitor brought washing chemicals (shampoos, shower gels) is not allowed in showers or event area.
! Please note: Any open fire initiated by competitors or spectators is strictly prohibited in event center, car park campsite and competition area! Competitors breaking that rule will be disqualified and banned out of event center immediately!
For those willing to use their gas/camping stoves – specially designated limited place will be available in event center.
There will be no special (power supply, sewage, water pipe etc.) or other traditional camper services for camper van owners/users available.
As competition is held in open field environment without any permanent buildings’ and infrastructure’s support, there will be very limited number of power supply slots (230V, 50Hz, plug types C, E) (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mains_electricity_by_country) available. Please use these only for charging of crucially important devices. It is not allowed to use these power plugs for electric heaters, boilers or other power greedy equipment. Please pack yourself with fully loaded power-banks and solar chargers for your devices!
Speaker, photo and video
There will be speaker at event center and at WRC2017 ceremonies. There will be official photo and video staff for recording WRC2017 memorable moments both in event center and on the course.
Mobile operators coverage in competition area

You can check expected mobile operator coverage here:
LMT: http://karte.lmt.lv/#4G
Tele2: https://www.tele2.lv/4ginternets/
! Please note: there might be places in competition area where cellular coverage is not available.

Catering before the competition will be provided starting from 17th of August at the event center as the buffet (for additional fee), and during the competition at hash-house. For those, who ordered pre-event meals upon registration, meals will be provided in exchange to coupons provided by organizers upon registration together with competition materials.
Additional meal will be provided after the finish of competition.
Catering details and hash-house menu will be published on WRC website 2 weeks before the competition.
Requirements for special food chosen by competitors during registration process will be observed and provided as far as possible.

Model event
Model event will be available from 14:00 on 16th of August, until the morning of 18th of August. In order to provide as much as possible similarity to competition terrain, location of model event is next to WRC competition area.
There will be scheduled bus transfer from/to WRC Event center. Detailed information on model bus schedule will be published on WRC web site 2 weeks before the competition.
Training possibilities and related events
There are still couple upcoming rogaines available for training in Latvia until the WRC2017. Also
traditional orienteering events held almost every day across Latvia (http://lof.lv/foot-calendar ), are good options to get acquainted with green beauty of Latvia.
For more information: http://wrc2017.rogaining.lv/en/training-possibilities#contents

IRF meeting
IRF meeting will be held at 14:00 on 17th August in the main tent of event center. Everyone interested in future of rogaine is warmly welcomed.
Penalties for lost mandatory equipment
In case of lost SI card or GPS device, competitors will be charged 75 EUR penalty fee per item.

International Rogaining Federation (IRF), Latvian Orienteering Federation, OK Ziemelkurzeme
Martins Vimba — event director
Aivars Zogla — event co-director, visas, mapper, course setter
Evalds Zogla — field work, mapper, course setter
Aigars Actins — course vetter

Guntars Mankus — SI timing and results
Ilze Lapina — chief secretary, course vetter
Agnese Kuzmina – communications, marketing, merchandising
Ainars Grinvalds - competition center manager
Andris Leja - webmaster, registrations
Lauri Leppik — IRF WRC event adviser
Martins Vimba, vimbamartins@gmail.com, +371-29297104
Aivars Zogla,
aivars.zogla@inbox.lv, +371-29205886



Pre-start information and further changes
Pre-start information will be published on WRC website August 16th, 2017 and will be available upon registration in Event center.
In case if Bulletin No.3 information changes there will be announcements on WRC website and/or emailed to registered teams

See you in Rāzna!
PDF version  - WRC2017 Bulletin 3


Jana seta Dagdas novads Rezeknes novads Dabas aizsardzības pārvalde Nissan Valsts Sportam Latvijas valsts mezi SK MAGNEN Jekaba Agentura OS VEIKALS Sportident ISOSTAR Latvian orienteering federation

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