- Phase 1 of the registration:1st – 14th December 2016
- Phase 2 of the registration: 15th December 2016 – 31st January 2017
- Phase 3 of the registration: 1st February – 31st July 2017
- Early bird: 65 euros - if registered before 1st January 2017
- Regular: 80 euros - if registered after 31st December 2016 and before 1st June 2017
- Late: 100 euros - if registered after 31st May 2017
After the above mentioned time, buttons REGISTRATION (1)(see picture Nr. 1) and TEAMS(2) on the website will become active. Press REGISTRATION to open ENTRY FORM.

Picture Nr. 1. Buttons “Registration” and “Teams”
ENTRY FORM (see picture Nr. 2)
Please fill in all fields in the entry form, almost all fields are mandatory:
- Enter your team name and e-mail. The necessary information regarding registration process will be sent out to this e-mail address.
- Fill in all fields for participants of your team - name, surname, date of birth .
- Choose a country you represent. If your country is not in the list, choose - “other country”. New input field will be shown, please indicate the country here.
- If the member of your team is Pre-Qualifying-Entrant, choose the reason of Pre-Qualifying”, if not Pre-Qualified - choose “NO”.
- If you have some special food requirements, please do not hesitate to mark them in this field. It will help us to provide correct catering in time of the event.
- Please provide an e-mail address of each participant to be sure that everyone in your team receives our newsletters with important information regarding the event. This is not a mandatory field.
- To open input fields for team member number 3, please press the green button besides "PARTICIPANT NO. 3".
- When all information is entered, press the button “PROCEED TO NEXT STEP”.

Picture Nr. 2. Entry Form.
ENTRY FORM. SECOND STEP (see picture Nr. 3)
- Please make sure you have entered the correct information .
- If there is any mistake, press “edit team data”. You will be returned to the first step.
- You can fill in the field "notes" in order to send us some additional information (e.g., exact pre-qualifying reason) .
- In this page you can see your provisionally calculated start fee and competition class. Please note, that you do not have to pay a start fee until the status for your team is changed to “in process”.
- Do not forget to confirm that all data entered is correct, and press the button “SEND ENTRY”.

Picture Nr. 3. Entry Form - Second step.
TEAM LIST (see picture Nr. 4)
- Select the competition class that you are interested in.
- In the team list you can see team status, team number (ID), country, team name, pre-qualification status. If you want to see participants of the team, please press on the arrow-down button - . If you want to see all teams with participants, please press on "show list with participants"
- Team login. After registering, an email with login data will be sent to your e-mail address. Please see the next chapter for information about team area.

Picture Nr. 4. List of teams.
The procedures you can make at team area depends on your team's registration status.If the status of your team is “in waiting list” (see picture Nr. 5) you can make changes in your team data(3), order additional services ( transportation and others).
To order services, please press on the "ORDER ADDITIONAL SERVICES" tab(4) and choose items you would like to order. (Services will be available to order by December 15th.) You can change your password (1) anytime. For security reasons, we recommend to change password after your first login. At the right side of the page you can see your actual financial summary(2).

Picture Nr. 5. Team area if team status is “in waiting list”
If your application is accepted by organizers, the status of your team will be changed to “in process” and you will receive an e-mail notification with further instructions.
If your team does not meet the status requirements of Pre-Qualifying-Entrants, you might have to wait for acceptance until the end of registration phase 2 (January 31, 2017).
If status of your team is “in process” (see picture Nr.6) you can still order additional services (transportation and others)(4)(Services will be available to order by December 15th.). Please note that in this status you can not make online changes to your team data(team composition)(3). After changing your team status to “in process”, you have 3 weeks to make a payment to organizers.
You can choose your payment method:
- Make your payment through “team area” by using PayPal or Credit/Debit Card (1).
- If you like to make a payment through bank, you can create an invoice (2).

Picture Nr. 6. Team area if team status is “in-process”
If your team is confirmed (organizers have received payment, team status is changed to "confirmed"), you can continue to order and pay additional services. Please be aware, that you can make changes to your team data (e.g.,change and/or add participants) only ONE TIME! After that, you will be able to make changes in team composition only by ordering changes and paying additional fee - 7EUR(1)(see picture Nr.7). We advise you to BE CAREFUL WHILE ENTERING TEAM DATA! Please remember - if changes affects your start fee, your team can get a temporary status “in process” until you pay the missing difference.

Picture Nr. 7. Team area if team status is “confirmed”
If you have any questions or problems regarding registration, please send us an email to: registration@rogaining.lv!