Teams competing in the Junior and the Veteran classes are also automatically entered into the corresponding Open category. Teams competing in the Super Veteran classes are also automatically entered into the corresponding Open and Veteran classes. Teams competing in the Ultra Veteran classes are also automatically entered into the corresponding Open and Veteran and Super Veteran classes.
competition class:
1001 | Latvia | Savam Priekam
1002 | Latvia | LuzerX
1004 | Latvia | Riga Adventure Team win-win-win
1005 | Estonia | HP-Sport team Plus
1006 | Latvia | Hibernējies Āpsis
1007 | Latvia | Surikati
Top 2 place in an open category in National RC
1008 | Latvia | SK Sigulda
1009 | Latvia | skrienam lēni, orientēties nemākam (OK Ogre)
1010 | Latvia | Pētersoni
1013 | Latvia | Skrudu zūpnis
1014 | Latvia | Pirmie soļi
1015 | Ukraine | Ukraine Mr. and Mrs. Smith
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1016 | Estonia | Bad Planning
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1017 | Russia | dumb ways to die (mountaineering club MPEI)
1018 | Latvia | Vikingi
1019 | Latvia | No pusvārda
1020 | Estonia | Divi Auni
Top 2 place in an open category in National RC
1021 | Latvia | Čāpotāji
1022 | Russia | Balta Cielava
1023 | Latvia | Ampēriņš
1024 | Russia | Сucumber
1025 | Latvia | P.S.
1026 | Latvia | BWCA
1027 | Australia | Flatvia 2017
1028 | Latvia | Būs all mighty
The first 3 places in the ERC 2015 or 2016
1029 | Czech Republic | Dobyti severniho polu
7th to 10th places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1031 | Czech Republic | TAP in Latvia
Top 2 place in an open category in National RC
1032 | Russia | The Snoopies
1033 | Belarus | Silvan Trams
1034 | Spain | Picafites Plus
1035 | Latvia | Ineši
1036 | Sweden | Uppsala Multisport
1037 | Russia | Wild Run Rus
1038 | Ukraine | Humsters
1039 | Russia |
Top 2 place in an open category in National RC
1040 | Latvia | Liedagi-35
4th to 5th places in the ERC 2015 or 2016
1041 | Russia |
Top 2 place in an open category in National RC
1042 | Russia | Swamp children
1043 | Russia | Pirates
1044 | Latvia | KRITIŅBANDA
1045 | Latvia | STK
1047 | Australia | Aussies in London
1048 | Latvia | SEVEN
1049 | Russia | Keep Moving
1050 | Latvia | BUBERTS
1051 | Russia | OZERKI
1052 | Latvia | Piedzīvojumu meklētāji
1053 | Norway Estonia | Project B
1055 | Italy | Pinguini Team
1056 | Finland | Högfors Venture
1057 | Latvia | TE!
1058 | Ukraine | Smeshariki
1059 | Latvia | French Toast Mafia
1060 | Latvia Russia | TDK Sānsolītis
1061 | Latvia | Gentlemen's Club / Ko Te Notiek?
1062 | USA | Hoda's People
1064 | Lithuania | Happy Happy
1065 | Latvia | ME
1066 | Estonia | Seiklushunt Adventure Team
The first 3 places in the ERC 2015 or 2016
1067 | Latvia |
1068 | Russia | Katusha
1069 | Ukraine | Alchevsk iron
1070 | Russia | Teply Stan
1071 | Latvia | Nomadic beavers
1072 | France | Team France
1073 | Spain Estonia | MR-CSC
1074 | Canada Japan | Wikipedia
1075 | South Africa | Jabberwock
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1076 | Estonia | Twister
1077 | Estonia | aegluubid
1078 | Latvia | ROGBAND
1079 | New Zealand | Georgia and Greig
Previous WRC open category champion
1080 | Spain | entrebalizas
7th to 10th places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1081 | Estonia | Estonian Aviation Academy
1082 | Russia | Nord-West OK St.Petersburg
1083 | Russia | 13-i vagon
1084 | Russia | Adventure Aura
1085 | Belarus | SC
1086 | Estonia | SK PRORUNNER/JomaEkspert
1087 | Latvia | Centum
401 | Ukraine | Team-TriO
Team eligible for any Youth category
402 | Latvia | Save the Fluffy Unicorn
403 | Australia | Power Squawk
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
404 | Latvia | 3 Sivēntiņi
406 | Estonia | No limits
Team eligible for any Youth category
1601 | Latvia | Bukaušu ekspresis
1602 | Estonia | Tosin
1603 | Latvia | Baltie Zalkši
1604 | Finland | Amazing Race
1606 | Estonia | JFF
1607 | Latvia |
1608 | Estonia | Lynx-Lynx
1609 | Australia | Lost Control
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1610 | Latvia | OM
1611 | Finland | Miia ja Sami
The first 3 places in the ERC 2015 or 2016
1612 | Russia | VV
1613 | Latvia | Dream time
1614 | Latvia | Hooponopono
1615 | Germany | Mauersegler Berlin
1616 | Finland | Mambo Mzungu
1617 | Australia | Steenbergen
7th to 10th places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1618 | Estonia | S.T.
1619 | Latvia | SUSLIKI
1620 | Lithuania | Trankatos
1621 | Latvia | Punktotaji
1622 | Japan | TEAM Ajari
7th to 10th places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1623 | Latvia | Breivdīnuos iz Latgolu
1624 | Latvia | Saule pāri visam
1625 | Latvia | Lauvas
1626 | Australia | Baldwin Quinn
Previous WRC open category champion
1627 | Czech Republic | Historici
Top 2 place in an open category in National RC
1628 | Latvia | Teļubauska
1629 | Estonia | CARPE DIEM!
Top 2 place in an open category in National RC
1630 | Latvia | Maura pēdējā nopūta
1631 | Latvia | Romanichi
1632 | Latvia | Mona V
7th to 10th places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1633 | Latvia | Vējagrābšļi
1634 | Latvia | Pašiem prieks
1636 | Russia | Legenda35
1637 | Latvia | Ekipējuma pārbaude
1638 | Russia | Strange Days
1639 | Latvia | knapie
1641 | Russia | Kuragan
1642 | Russia | SerVer
1643 | Russia | FST Novorossiysk
1644 | Latvia | TAKA X
1645 | Latvia |
1646 | Latvia | Skudrulāči
1647 | Russia | Vāvere
1648 | United Kingdom | Endurancelife
1649 | Russia | GoldTeam
7th to 10th places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
1650 | Estonia | Fujitsu High Power Team
1651 | Australia | Charlton
1652 | Latvia | For fun
The first 3 places in the ERC 2015 or 2016
1653 | Estonia | Sääsehirm
1654 | Latvia | Paulīnes
1655 | Latvia Estonia | Lost
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
2201 | Czech Republic | Bludne balvany
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
2202 | Australia New Zealand | Vivid Dick
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
2203 | Latvia | Malači
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
2204 | Estonia | Tagantjärele targemaks
2205 | Estonia | Festina Lente
4th to 5th places in the ERC 2015 or 2016
2206 | USA | Huckleberries
2207 | USA | HalFastAsleep
The first 2 places in the NARC 2015 or 2016
2208 | Russia | VN-2
2209 | Ukraine | Bukovina-Inov 8
The first 3 places in the ERC 2015 or 2016
2210 | Australia | Control Freaks
2211 | Latvia | Līvāni
2212 | Russia | KaMap
2213 | Czech Republic | WITaj
2214 | Latvia | KĀPA LR
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
2215 | Latvia | AEZ
2216 | Latvia | Elfi/Ventspils-Līgatne
The first 3 places in the ERC 2015 or 2016
2217 | Estonia | Kulgevad
2218 | Latvia | Amatciems
2219 | USA Latvia | Team Ames
2220 | Latvia | Rolling Snails
2222 | Ukraine | Alchevsk Wanderers
2223 | Russia | Peterburg-Sochi
2224 | Latvia | Niedras
2225 | Russia | Sovluk
2226 | Russia | Mushroom picker
2801 | Latvia | Večuki
Team eligible for any Ultra-Veterans category
2802 | Russia | VN-1
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
2803 | USA | Nightcrawlers
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
2804 | Latvia | JuJu
Team eligible for any Ultra-Veterans category
2805 | Estonia | Saue
The first 6 places in the WRC 2015 or 2016
2806 | Latvia | KĀPA VR
2807 | Latvia | Jekaba Agentura
2809 | Russia Ukraine | OlLe RU
If you have questions, problems or changes regarding registration, please send an e-mail to:!


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